From the other side of the tracks
Stumbled across a blog post on a great discussion board I’ve been participating on, much to either the delight or dismay of the other participants, as I apparently do not fit in. But that’s ok. I love a good debate.
Back to the blog post. AutoMuse® points out a recent news item up in Connecticut where the Attorney General, Richard Blumenthal, wants to pass legislation to make sure consumers cars are repaired correctly and safely and demands that insurance companies do not harass or push consumers to use their “DRPs” or preferred shops.
Consumers deserve to choose where a car is repaired. No insurer should straightjacket or corral consumers, forcing them to use a so-called preferred shop.
I actually agree with this statement, and although I outline what DRP’s are, and how they work, and how properly run ones will protect and help a consumer, I have always said it is the CUSTOMER’S choice as to where they get their car repaired. I think some of my naysayers miss that part of my discussions, posts and articles.
For the full blog post over at AutoMuse® click here.
And my question for those reading: If Lyn had taken her vehicle to a non-DRP shop and had the same problems with the repairs, who was going to back up her problems then?
That was a useful blog post,You learn interesting things every day.